Competency based interview questions are designed to explore how you performed and demonstrated a specific competency in previous work situations.
This type of interview is based on the premise that past performance is a predictor of future performance.

These questions will ask you to provide an example of how you previously demonstrated the job competency or behavior required for successful job performance. You can find a further explanation of how the competency based or behavioral interview works at The Behavioral Interview .
Here we look at typical questions for these core competencies:
Reliability - takes responsibility for own performance. Completes work in a timely, consistent and accurate manner.
Tell me about a time you made a mistake at work. How did you deal with it?
How have you reacted to a colleague who regularly lets the team down?
In your answer show you are able to take responsibility for your mistakes. Highlight your attitude to meeting personal commitments and doing what you promise. Focus on the importance of trustworthiness and job commitment.
Integrity/honesty - maintains social, organisational and ethical norms. Respects confidentiality, organisational regulations and personal commitments.
Has your manager/supervisor ever asked you to do something that you were uncomfortable with? How did you handle this?
Tell me about a time you witnessed a fellow employee do something that you didn't think was appropriate.
Focus on how you adhere to organizational policies and procedures. Your answer should show that you are able to behave in a responsible manner and be courageous and honest enough to remain on the side of correct work standards. Integrity means having the confidence to take relevant action if a colleague is violating professional and organizational standards.
Energy - maintains a high activity level. Sustains productivity over long periods of time.
Tell me about a time you had to work at a fast pace for an extended period of time. How did you maintain your work pace?
What job activities have required the most energy? How did you maintain your effectiveness while working on these activities?
Your answer should focus on your ability to work long hours while remaining effective, to perform mentally or physically taxing work for extended periods of time. Highlight your stamina and enthusiasm. Show a commitment to putting in additional effort.
Tenacity - stays with a plan of action until the desired outcome is achieved or no longer reasonably attainable.
Tell me about the longest time it took you to conclude a deal with a customer.
Describe a situation when you had to overcome a number of obstacles to achieve an objective.
Competency based interview questions that explore tenacity are looking for your ability to make repeated attempts to get to your objective, to stay with the task until it is completed and to make a plan to overcome obstacles that arise along the way.
Competency based interview questions are becoming the norm for a job interview. Be well prepared and impress as the right job candidate.
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